The force experienced by a moving charged particle in a magnetic field.
Formula for Magnetic Force
: charge of the particle
: velocity of the particle
: magnetic flux density
: angle between velocity and magnetic field
Right-Hand Rule
A method to determine the direction of magnetic force: Point fingers in the direction of velocity (), curl towards magnetic field (), and thumb points in the direction of force ().
Key Concepts
A charged particle at rest experiences zero magnetic force.
A charged particle moving parallel to magnetic field lines also experiences zero magnetic force.
Magnetic force acts perpendicular to both the velocity vector and magnetic field vector.
Magnetic force does no work since it does not change the particle's kinetic energy.
Applications of Magnetic Force
Velocity Selector: Uses perpendicular electric and magnetic fields to select particles of specific velocity.
Mass Spectrometer: Measures masses of particles based on the radius of their path in a magnetic field.
DC Motors: Magnetic force interacts with current in loops to create rotation.
Questions for Students
What is the formula for magnetic force? Define each term.
Explain the right-hand rule for magnetic force direction.
Describe how a velocity selector works.
Why does a particle moving parallel to magnetic field lines experience zero force?
Explain the role of magnetic force in the operation of a mass spectrometer.