
Chapter 29: Nuclear Physics

29.D: Subatomic Particles

Subatomic Particle
A particle smaller than an atom.
Elementary Particle
A subatomic particle that is not made up of smaller particles.
Composite Particle
A subatomic particle that is made up of other subatomic particles.
A particle having the same mass and spin as its corresponding particle but having other characteristics that are opposite.
An elementary subatomic particle used to make up hadrons.
Standard Model
The classification system for subatomic particles that provides descriptions of three of the four fundamental forces.

Early Evidence of More Subatomic Particles

  • Wolfgang Pauli suggested the existence of another particle in 1931.
  • Fermi named this proposed particle the neutrino.
  • Neutrinos were finally detected in 1956.

Nuclear Building Blocks

  • Protons and neutrons are composite particles.
  • Electrons are elementary particles.
  • Rule 1: Every reaction will happen at some time unless prohibited by a conservation law.
  • Rule 2: Every particle has an antiparticle.

Subatomic Particle Zoo

  • Physicists are compelled to classify subatomic particles.
  • Fermions include the leptons and quarks.
  • Bosons are the other major group of elementary particles.
  • Elementary fermions and bosons can combine to form hadrons.
  • Composite fermions form baryons, including protons and neutrons.
  • Composite bosons form mesons.
  • Only a few of the subatomic particles are stable.


  • There are six kinds (flavors), each given a whimsical name.
  • Every quark has an associated antiquark.
  • Quarks have fractional charges.
  • Quarks combine to form hadrons.
  • Quarks do not exist individually; they exist only inside hadrons. This is called quark confinement.
  • The forces that hold quarks tightly are described by their color charge.

Questions for Students

  1. Define subatomic particle, elementary particle, and composite particle.
  2. What is an antiparticle and how does it relate to its corresponding particle?
  3. Describe the role of quarks in the structure of hadrons.
  4. What is the standard model and what does it describe?
  5. Explain the concept of quark confinement and color charge.